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Spring Break Travel? Get Your MMR Vaccine First
With measles cases surging across the nation, Colorado health officials are urging residents to ensure their MMR vaccinations are up-to-date before spring break travel. Learn about vaccination recommendations, symptoms to watch for, and where to get low-cost vaccines to protect yourself and your family.
Vaccinations, Screenings, and Tests
The Fremont County Department of Public Health & Environment offers a wide range of health service to the community. We accept most major insurances, except for Kaiser Permanente, and we will submit a claim on your behalf. Services may vary on offered times, fees, and locations. For the most up to date information, or further information on any service, please call.
Some of the services we offer are listed below. For more information on these services, please call us.
Clinical Service Forms
If you would like to prepare for your upcoming appointment, you can do so by completing the patient registration...
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Preventing the Transmission of Communicable Diseases
Communicable diseases are those that are transmitted person-to-person, animal-to-person, or vector-to-person. Examples of such diseases are Rabies, Plague, Salmonella, E. Coli, Influenza, West Nile Virus, etc. The state health department provides guidance on requirements for investigating and preventing the transmission of these diseases and we follow that guidance to protect our community from the spread of those diseases.
In some cases, such as Hantavirus, we conduct Environmental Health investigations to determine where and how the disease was transmitted and take steps for prevent further transmission....
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Emergency Operations Planning
Emergency Preparedness is something everyone should be thinking about. Here at Fremont County Department of Public Health & Environment we develop and maintain Emergency Operations Plans so that we are prepared in case of a Public Health emergency. We work with other agencies in our county and in our region to preform drills and exercises yearly to test our preparedness capabilities.
For information on how you can be prepared for an emergency, such as putting together a 72 hour Go Kit, please visit
Medical Reserve Corps
Are you interested in Volunteering for your community? Do you and your family want to be better...
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Consumer Protection Services
Fremont County Environmental Health is part of Fremont County Public Health & Environment and serves all of the unincorporated portions of Fremont County with some programs extending into Cañon City, Florence, Williamsburg, Rockvale, Coal Creek and Brookside.
Environmental Health provides Consumer Protection services for Fremont County, including Retail Food Establishment (RFE) inspections, RFE plan review for new or extensively remodeled establishments, school inspections, child care center inspections, non-community ground water system inspections, and other duties such as responding to campground and mobile home park complaints, public accommodations complaints, public and semi-public pool & hot tub complaints.
Septic Systems
Septic systems are regulated and...
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Supporting Healthy Living in Our Community
Fremont County Department of Public Health & Environment sponsors programs for health promotion and disease prevention that offer proven ways to encourage and support a healthy community for all ages. Preventive health is growing in popularity as people seek to improve their overall health and wellness by making better choices.
Health promotion means the development of behaviors that improve bodily functioning and enhance an individual's ability to adjust to a changing environment. Disease prevention involves efforts to reduce or eliminate vulnerability to risks that might enhance the possibilities that an individual or group will incur disease, disability, or premature death.
A major...
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Office of Vital Records - Accepting Online Requests
Vital Records, a department in Fremont County Department of Public Health & Environment, is your local registrar office for the issuance of certified birth and death certificates. Fremont County Vital Records has the ability to issue a birth and death certificate for any county in Colorado. Application may be downloaded below, or you may pick one up in our office. Fees apply for all issuances of all certificates.
Certificates may only be obtained by individuals with proof of identification and proof of relationship or direct and tangible interest. Vital Records Deputy Registrars follow state guidelines for all issuances and may require...
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Have Questions About Fremont County Public Health?
Contact Fremont County Department of Public Health & Environment